Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tourism in Poland

Tourism in Poland

in the name of God the Merciful

A view of the lack of sufficient information in the forum of the Republic of liked to present this topic for anyone looking for tourist information and markets in Poland .. ((mean reduction ask me for something a little second Trani Maran Poland do not know a local transport and its currency and all the Old I know from online Bahth report : D)) ..

All information and images that I will be putting this report .. Is a compilation of foreign sites Ktearerrrrrrrrrh too .. Tourists and foreigners spoke about Poland .. May be a mistake in information or a specific date and error out of the question .. So I hope our brothers and sisters who have to visit Poland and have the correct information for the error .. That should not hesitate I am pleased and happy to all members who intend to travel to Poland this year .. It has added to the report, and I have no objection Welcome Bodavatkm useful ..

Name of God, we begin

At first I'll show you pictures from Poland .. Of the capital city of Warsaw (Warsaw) .. It is a mountainous region in southern Poland called Zakopan (Zakopane) .. Through the pictures you can determine whether your destination will be this year to Poland .. Or Stsrvoa Tottaghon and consideration and on the other hand ..

Begin pictures of Warsaw (Warsaw)

And these is frankly I deliberately Ahtha .. Even shows you that the country just as the rest of Europe hot summer in July .. And set the color of grass ..

This is information on Poland from which you can get an idea about the country

Republic is located in Eastern Europe .. And is divided administratively into 16 section ..

Which distinguishes Poland from its neighbors is that 90% of the people follow the Catholic Church, and this is not unusual in Eastern Europe, which owes most of its population Balerthodquisah.
This is the Polish flag

Monument Krobera (Chrobry) as the first Polish king of the country in 1025. Included large parts of the country to the Holy Empire, the Romanian in 1163. After the reunification of the country gradually in the fifteenth century, it was announced by the Unit in 1447 with Lithuania. Poland was divided three times in the years 1772.1793 and 1795. After the defeat of Napoleon, the victorious nations agreed: Austria, Prussia and Russia divided Poland among themselves permanently in 1815.
Poles, and so become a people without a country until the proclamation of the Kingdom of Poland again in 1916 in the midst of the events of the First World War from 1914 to 1919. Proclaimed the republic in 1918 and included in subsequent years the territory of former Polish state. In the period between World Wars 1919 - 1939, Poland experienced a state of political instability and economic weakness helped to control the situation in the face of the threat of Soviet and German continued to do so. Non-aggression pact between Hitler and Stalin in 1939, Department of land and located between the two countries, including Poland. Thus Germany ignited the fuse of World War II by invading Poland on September 1 / September 1939, it Kzllk Soviet forces advanced from the east and Poland became a matter of days that are not on the map. ((Actually Old village of the reports of foreigners is very strange as information is often repeated that 80% of the Polish buildings destroyed in World War II in 1945))
But soon Germany declared war on the Soviet Union in 1941 and later captured the Eastern Poland as well. Soviet forces managed to defeat the German forces and the extension of Soviet control over Poland again in 1945. The Soviets began building the new Polish state on the way of Soviet communism. Poland was henceforth part of the Eastern bloc in 1952, Poland declared a republic and the popularity of a new constitution in 1955 established the Warsaw Pact. Democracy movement began to climb in the early eighties that was able in 1989 to form the first government without being a communist president. Lech Walesa (Wałęsa) in 1990 became the first president of the country team. Announced that Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia in 1991, their desire to join the West. Poland became a member in the same year the European Council, in 1999, NATO (NATO) and the European Union in 2004.
Administrative division and the most important cities
Since the reinstatement of the administrative division in 1999 and the country is divided into 16 provinces. Each of which has its own parliament and its government and the main one particular from the central government and one elected by the parliament.

Largest city is the capital city of Warsaw (1,689,600 inhabitants / year 2003)
Followed by Woods (777 500 inhabitants / year 2003)
Krakow (750,000 people / year 2003)
Vruslao (638 401 inhabitants / year 2003)
Brosnan (578 900 inhabitants / year 2002)
Gdansk (461 400 inhabitants / year 2003)
Stian (413 000 inhabitants / year 2004)
Gerardov (40,000 people / year 2000)

This map of Poland in general

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